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Footprint Medical Umbilical Catheterization Kit without Catheter


Footprint Medical catheterization trays feature high quality components to allow clinicians to provide optimal neonatal care.

  • Neonatal general procedure tray especially for umbilical vessel catheterization,
  • Compact bi-level tray design for ease of storage and transport.
  • High quality disposable stainless steel instrumentation.
  • Safety Products, Prep, Umbilical Tape, Stopcocks and Suture provided in easy access compartments.
  • Safety Scalpel and sharps protection designed to lock onto and secure contaminated needles.
  • Medication Labels, coded Medication/Line labels and stopcocks.
  • Neonatal Micro Forceps, half and full-curved options provided for dilating small vessels.
  • Maximum Barrier Drape Exclusive "Hybrid" drape provides visualization of neonate and prevents contamination.


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Footprint Medical Umbilical Catheterization Kit without Catheter


Footprint Medical Umbilical Catheterization Kit without Catheter - Pacific Biomedical


