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Unique holder, quilted design minimizes irritation and stabilizes trachs
Danny Ties are unique tracheostomy tube holders with a softer and more comfortable fit around the neck for patients of all ages. The patient with a tracheostomy needs to have a tube holder that securely holds the artificial airway in place to prevent accidental decannulation. As important, the tube holder needs to provide a soft, comfortable fit about the neck while minimizing skin irritation under the collar. Danny Ties are made of soft, absorbent cotton that lays smooth at the edges of the collar, minimize skin irritation and reduce skin breakdown under the collar. The patent pending design of the Danny Ties evenly distributes the quilted collar around the neck to minimize pressure points on the skin.
Danny Ties are easy to apply with tapered ends on the collar straps. The ends thread easily through the eyelets of the tracheostomy tube allowing for quick application and changes of the collar position on the smallest of infants and the large adult patient. The collar is engineered to hold its shape, not fold in half around the neck when the patient turns and does not stretch when it absorbs moisture.If soiled, Danny Ties may be washed, dried and reused for the same patient per institutional policy.
Jimmy Proof Straps may be used in conjunction with Danny Ties to reduce risk of accidental disconnects from the ventilator circuit.
Danny Ties are developed with special care by a dad wanting to “make a difference” for his son and change the quality of life for all tracheostomy patients. His engineering expertise and commitment to finding a better solution is found in the Danny Ties.
Danny Ties stabilize the tracheostomy tube against the trachea with one piece design
Quilted collar provides a softer, more comfortable fit about the neck
Unique tapered straps easily thread the ties through the tracheostomy flange
Absorbent cotton collar helps minimize irritation and reduces skin breakdown around the neck
Cotton material absorbs moisture and wicks away from patient
Danny Ties maintain their shape and do not stretch or roll when moist
Reinforced stitching at the ends of the tie strap to ensure ease of threading and repositioning of the collar
Available in three sizes to accommodate small infants through adults
Single patient use item and may be reprocessed per institutional policy
Danny Ties may be gently washed, dried and reused for the same patient
Packaged 5 Danny Ties per pack in environmentally friendly packaging