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SWAT-T Tourniquet (Orange)



The SWAT-T™ Tourniquet, part of Combat Medical Systems’ MARCH™ Medical Gear, was designed specifically for military and civilian Special Weapons and Tactics Teams, but also has benefits in all areas of pre-hospital care. Its name states the description for use Stretch, Wrap, And Tuck.

The SWAT-T™ is rugged and has been tested in and out of packaging. Its shelf life has been extended to 7 years, due to new bagging that offers UV resistance. It is biocompatibility tested and is latex free.


  • Multi-function design
  • Decreased costs
  • Decreased weight
  • Ease of use (decreasing necessary training)
  • Durability
  • Superior performance
  • Training devices are reusable unless soiled or damaged
  • Higher axillary and groin applications! Wider=Safer-Better occlusion at lower pressures! High axillary, Pediatric and K9 saves after strap/windlass failures!
Item # In Stock Price Quantity

SWAT-T Tourniquet (Orange)


Ensure rapid hemorrhage control with this versatile tourniquet for adults & pediatrics. PN: 5060483571515, 5060483571508, SWAT-T ORG,  B003IWNOVO



Item # Description In Stock Quantity
