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Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers


Baby Head Band and Circuit Bumpers are intended to secure the nasal interface during oxygen therapy, nCPAP or NIV therapy.

The Baby Head Band is made of breathable, non-latex foam that absorbs and wicks away moisture leaving the scalp and skin dry. The soft material of the head band allows it to conform to even the tiniest of heads while maintaining the circuit position. The soft outer covering of the Baby Head Band allows for head movement while holding the nasal prongs and circuit stable.

The new reversible Circuit Bumpers secure and stabilize the position of the inspira- tory and expiratory limbs to the soft outer side of Head Band while providing optimal prong positioning for infants of all shapes and sizes.

The Baby Head Band and Circuit Bumpers work in conjunction with neonatal/ pediatric ventilator circuits and oxygen therapy tubing. Designed for use in NICU, PICU, surgery and clinics for stable positioning of nasal interface.


  • Fashioned to provide a comfortable fit for all infants
  • Sized by head circumference for easy and quick application
  • Reversible hook-and-loop bumpers allow secure attachment and minimize pressure points
  • Allows caregivers to freely move infant without interrupting therapy
  • Opened at the crown for fontanel checks and to accommodate scalp vein IVs
  • Available in four sizes for very low birth weight up to 10 kg infants
  • Single patient use, non-latex material
Item # In Stock Quantity

Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size X Small (18 to 23 cm)


Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size X Small (18 to 23 cm) - Pacific Biomedical



8 items left

Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Small (24 to 30 cm)


Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Small (24 to 30 cm) - Pacific Biomedical



8 items left

Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Medium (31 to 36 cm)


Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Medium (31 to 36 cm) - Pacific Biomedical



Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Large (36 to 42 cm)


Baby Head Band & Circuit Bumpers - Size Large (36 to 42 cm) - Pacific Biomedical


