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Masimo 3736 Rad-57 Kit with SpCO and SpMet, Adult & Pedi Probe

SKU: MAS-3736

Rad-57 3736 with SpCO & SpMet Kit Includes:

  • Rainbow RC-1 Cable
  • Adult Rainbow DCI Sensor
  • Pediatric Rainbow® DCIP Sensor
  • Red EMS Carrying Case

Exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) raises levels of circulating carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in the blood. Traditional testing for COHb involves invasive sampling and laboratory analysis. Up to 50% of hospitals do not have on-site laboratory COHb testing ability and Emergency Medical Services personnel cannot measure laboratory COHb levels in the field. Each year, it is estimated that thousands of CO poisoning cases are missed because of a lack of CO testing in emergency departments alone.

The Masimo Rad-57 device measures noninvasive COHb (SpCO) levels in the blood using multiwavelength spectrophotometry. Since 2005, the Rad-57 has been used inside and outside of the hospital to help clinicians throughout the world assess CO poisoning.

The Masimo Rad-57 3736 also monitors SpMet which detects Methemoglobinemia. This is a condition where there are high levels of methemoglobin in the blood, which can be caused by many drugs, including lidocaine, benzocaine, dapsone, and nitrates. Methemoglobinemia can impair the delivery of oxygen to tissues.

Clinical Benefits:

  • SpO2 
  • Pulse Rate (PR)
  • Perfusion Index (Pi)
  • Pleth Variability
  • Index (PVi)
  • Carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO)
  • Methemoglobin (SpMet)
  • Quick and easy-to-use– requires no user calibration and does not require patient cooperation or consciousness.
  • Rugged and lightweight– ideal for field or hospital settings.
  • Awarded Airworthiness Release Certification by the United States Army.

Additional Features:

  • User may program default power-up settings.
  • Delivers more than 10 hours of continuous battery life.
  • Up to 72 hours of trending memory.
  • FastSat® tracks rapid changes in arterial O2 with unmatched fidelity.
  • SmartTone™ beeps in sync with pulse, even under patient motion conditions.
  • Sensitivity options of APOD™, Normal, and MAX provide flexibility to support a range of clinical applications.
  • One-year Warranty
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Masimo 3736 Rad-57 Kit with SpCO and SpMet, Adult & Pedi Probe


This EMS Kit comes with a Rainbow RC-1 Cable, Adult Rainbow DCI Sensor, Pediatric Rainbow® DCIP Sensor, Red EMS Carrying Case and can monitor normal pulse oximitery but also SpCO and SpMet.



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